Marle Cordeiro

Marriage is what brings us together today.

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  2. Marle Cordeiro Instagram
  3. Marle Cordeiro Insta
  • Poker player Marle Cordeiro has filed a new lawsuit against fellow poker pro Mike Postle, claiming he used his cellphone to carry out the alleged cheating in the infamous Stones Gambling cheating scandal. Her lawsuit alleges that Postle carried out his cellphone cheating with the help of one or more confederates.
  • Over the weekend, Marle Cordeiro filed a lawsuit against Mike Postle, a story reported on by TMZ. In a copy of the Complaint and Demand for Trial by Jury obtained by PokerNews, Cordeiro seeks $250,000 in punitive damages as well as any other relief as may be just and proper.

A single hand that Mike Postle and Marle Cordeiro played that night—September 21, 2019—turned into a controversy that roiled the insular poker world, generating multiple lawsuits, and raising. I'm a poker player living in Las Vegas, NV. Come hang with me.

Benjamin “Spraggy” Spragg asked Marle Cordeiro to marry him. And she said yes.


It is tough times at the moment. In Cordeiro’s homeland, the U.S. election is coming up. The first Purge is presumably to follow the day after. Meanwhile, in Spraggy’s homeland, the U.K., coronavirus has pushed the nation back into lockdown. And as winter draws in on the Northern hemisphere, bringing with it longer nights and shorter, bleaker days, a light-hearted story of love and commitment is just what the poker world needs.

Marle cordeiro mike postle

Marle Cordeiro Twitter


The couple took to Twitter to announce their news. Presumably, the Times “Forthcoming Marriage” section was full this week.

Spraggy tweeted, “Today@MarleCordeiro made me the happiest man alive.”

Today @MarleCordeiro made me the happiest man alive. I asked her to marry me and she said Yes!! 💍❤

— Spraggy (@spraggy) November 1, 2020

While Cordeiro posted a video with her ring finger up and the caption “Getting married or whatever.”

Getting married or whatever

— Marle Cordeiro (@MarleCordeiro) November 1, 2020

The poker power couple has a little over $110k in live cashes between them. That should cover the bar tab at the reception. Especially with U.K weddings limited to 30 players for the foreseeable.

The lion’s share of that $110k comes from Spraggy ($86k).

On the other hand, Spraggy’s YouTube following falls substantially short of Cordeiro’s.


Cordeiro’s rise to fame as a poker commentator came after a controversial video on her channel went viral in 2018. Since then she’s continued to make satirical videos alongside her career as a Vegas cardshark.

But she really won over the poker community as the only person to keep going after Mike Postle after the California courts chucked him out of the Stones cheating case. Cordeiro tried to bring a suit against Postle in Nevada where, unlike California, cheating is illegal. Unfortunately for her, she failed to prove Nevada has jurisdiction, and Postle went untried.

Since then the couple has moved to the U.K., navigating the Byzantine system that is HMRC’s long-term visa policy. And they landed right in the middle of the lockdown.

Lock it down

Lockdown seems to have worked out well for the couple. Eight months holed up in a London flat would test most people to the limit. And the change in weather can’t have been fun for Vegas resident Cordiero.

But the pair seems to have done okay. Cordeiro wrote that “Being quarantined w @spraggy for 8 months has been effortless and the most fun I’ve ever had. All we do is laugh. Can only imagine how much fun we’re gonna have when we can leave the house.”

Being quarantined w @spraggy for 8 months has been effortless and the most fun I’ve ever had. All we do is laugh.

Can only imagine how much fun we’re gonna have when we can leave the house 😊 I love you @spraggy thanks for finally getting a drink with me.

— Marle Cordeiro (@MarleCordeiro) November 1, 2020

The poker world was quick to offer the couple congratulations. Mostly. Jaime Kerstetter, for example, wanted to be sure Cordiero wasn’t suffering from Stockholm syndrome asking, “Marle, are you sure?”

Congrats Spraggy!!!!
Marle, are you sure?

— Jamie Kerstetter (@JamieKerstetter) November 1, 2020

Others were suspicious that anyone would agree to marry the mop-topped Spraggy. JohnnyVibes called shenanigans saying, “I’m waiting a full 24 hours to say congrats. Just in case it’s a troll. I hate being tricked. Be back tomorrow.”

I wish we were this committed to a troll! It’s real 😬😬

— Marle Cordeiro (@MarleCordeiro) November 1, 2020

Marle cordeiro age

A wise choice particularly after Spraggy’s last graph. “They say you should spend 3 months salary on an engagement ring,” Cordeiro tweeted. “What can we get for -20k?”

The next question on everyone’s mind is: which poker players will get to be the bridesmaids.

They say you should spend 3 months salary on an engagement ring.

What can we get for -20k?

— Marle Cordeiro (@MarleCordeiro) November 1, 2020

Featured image source: Twitter

On Friday, the United States District Court in Nevada granted Mike Postle’s motion to dismiss against Marle Cordeiro in Case No. 2:20-CV-640 JCM (EJY).

If you recall back in April, TMZ first reported that Cordeiro had filed suit against Postle seeking $250,000 in punitive damages as well as a trial by jury. The allegations echoed those laid out in a class-action lawsuit against Postle in California – which was also recently dismissed – claiming Cordeiro was a victim of an alleged cheating scheme.

In documents obtained by PokerNews via PACER, U.S. District Judge James C. Mahan dismissed the case solely for lack of personal jurisdiction according to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(2). To put more simply, the case was dismissed due to the fact it was filed in Nevada while the poker games in question took place in California.

'The case was dismissed due to the fact it was filed in Nevada while the poker games in question took place in California.'

The court applied the “Calder Test,” which has roots in the Supreme Court’s decision in Calder v. Jones (1984). The three-past test required that the defendant allegedly “has (1) committed an intentional act, (2) expressly aimed at the forum state, (3) causing harm that the defendant knows is likely to be suffered in the forum state.”

Counsel for Cordeiro, Maurice “Mac” VerStandig, originally argued that because the games were broadcast online, it had an effect on Cordeiro, who lives in Nevada, and “lured [her] into participating, causing her to be ultimately swindled and defrauded by the defendant.”

The court saw it differently writing: “This argument fails to consider that the defendant was a participant of the broadcast games—not the broadcaster—thus, defendant did not ‘expressly aim’ his alleged poker misconduct at the state of Nevada.”

Marle Cordeiro Instagram


Marle Cordeiro Insta

The plaintiffs also sought jurisdictional discovery given Postle’s ties to Nevada, which primarily revolved around meeting the mother of his young daughter in Reno to exchange custody. According to the court ruling, Postle travels to Nevada once or twice a month, but the court ruled it was not sufficient to establish general personal jurisdiction.

“Therefore, this court finds that plaintiff’s allegations are insufficient to plausibly give rise to jurisdiction, given the total absence of evidence to support these allegations and defendant’s denial. Accordingly, jurisdictional discovery is not appropriate.”

When reached by PokerNews, VerStandig issued the following statement in regards to the ruling:

The US District Court for the District of Nevada found Mr. Postle lacks sufficient contacts with the State of Nevada to be sued there, and accordingly dismissed the case. I have immense respect for the court as well as the judge who issued the ruling; it is well-written and well-reasoned. Importantly, however, the order does not speak to the merits of the case. Mr. Postle has now amassed a laudable track record of avoiding substantive legal inquiries into the sum and substance of his actions; it seems supremely unfortunate he has taken this path and not, instead, seized on one of these opportunities to clear his good name. Ms. Cordeiro and I are still reviewing the order and assessing various options.

Postle did not respond to PokerNews’ request for comment by the time of publication.

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    Marle CordeiroMike PostleNevadaPoker and the Law
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    Marle Cordeiro