Office Bingo

Boardroom Bingo: The Game of Horrible Office Jargon. Writer Mark Strauss wrote an amazing article explaining the etymology of popular office jargon complete with amusing alternative meanings. We loved the article. In fact, we made a game out of it. Boardroom Bingo is a fun way to endure company meetings by tracking patois and parlance, palaver. Office Bingo Cards and Template Our bingo card maker software, Bingo Card Printer, includes hundreds of ready-to-use bingo activities and bingo games, including a ready to use set of Office bingo cards.

Printable Office Bingo

What is the meaning of office bingo?

Office bingo cards printable freeOffice

Playing bingo now is no longer a goal to win rewards like the old times. Office bingo is a modern bingo game that is adapted to office conditions and activities that often occur in it. This game is more suitable for certain groups such as employees who work at the place. In some offices, bingo can be used in many offices because it contains the types of activities or events that generally occur in many offices.

How challenging to play office bingo?

Office bingo will be very challenging if you have a lot of experience in the office. People who play office bingo will relate to the content. From the emotional relations created by the user and office bingo will make this game feel challenging. Even if you do not get a reward for successfully doing office bingo, stress release and relax are the positive effects that you can receive when you play it. Without the need to need a lot of tools and space to play it, this game becomes very flexible. You can play it in your spare time while in the office.

How to make office bingo more interesting?

Office Bingo Card Generator

To make office Bingo even more interesting, you can make it different from Bingo in general. Usually, bingo is written on paper with a precise arrangement of columns to be able to draw the appropriate line when successfully getting a bingo. Office bingo is quite interesting by changing the number or icon on the bingo card by using a description of the activities in the office. To make it more interesting, you can try using equipment in the office to make bingo cards like sticky notes. By arranging sticky notes, you can make column by column as bingo cardboard.

Office Bingo Game

Can I play office bingo if I’m not a worker?

Printable Office Bingo

Office bingo is not reserved for office workers. But how can you achieve bingo if not through activities in the office as written in every description in the boxes on the bingo card? If you are not a worker, you can replace office bingo with other bingo templates that are more relatable to your condition. The internet provides many types of bingo which contain templates of various activities that are commonly experienced by many people. Maybe you can choose the one that suits you best. You can also make your own bingo templates with available applications or software.